Traders' Shop

Our secure Traders' Shop invites you to purchase your SpikeTrade membership, as well as educational tools to help you become a better trader. You can quickly access it by clicking "Shop" in the menu at the top of most pages on our site.

Once in the Shop, click on the links to the left to explore the different types of items available to you. When you find what you want, simply click the "Add to Shopping Cart" button for that item. When ready to check out, click on "My Cart" in the top right corner of the Shop. Enter a coupon code if you have one, then click "Proceed to Checkout" to enter your payment information. We accept all major credit cards. Note: there are no refunds on electronic products.

Types of Products:

  • Memberships: choose between Regular, All-Inclusive, Trial, or Trade Journal. Learn more about our Membership Levels.
  • Meetings: classes taught by Alex and Kerry, either face-to-face or online.
  • Recordings: individual recordings and sets of Password classes and other meetings. You can buy a Password set for an entire year or for a certain theme. Yearly and monthly Members get a coupon for a 50% discount on any recording or set of recordings - email us if you don’t have it.
  • Books: e-books on trading by Alex and Kerry, as well as other trading experts.
  • Software: Kerry’s Toolbox indicators (you need to have TradeStation to use them) and historical data for the New Highs and New Lows.

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