Trader Education

Many traders fall into common traps.  Because they are so isolated they either waste inordinate amounts of time “reinventing the wheel” or step on land mines of which they are not aware.

SpikeTrade was founded by Dr. Alexander Elder, whose The New Trading for a Living (published in 17 languages) is being used to educate traders around the world. takes it to the next step, by linking our posts to the current markets.

When you click on the Trader Education tab, the menu on the left provides links to educational posts written by Alex and Kerry, and other educational resources.

Alex & Kerry

Dr Alexander Elder and Kerry Lovvorn take turns writing all posts in the Alex & Kerry section (see descriptions below).   At the end of each post, there is a Member Comments where you can ask questions or add a comment. Each post is followed by a link that takes you to a complete archive for that type of post.  You can click Search to look for information in previous posts, or Most Discussed to find most popular posts for the week, month, or year.


SpikeSpeak posts are published every Sunday (or Monday if it is a market holiday) after 3 pm ET. These weekly posts provide an in-depth review of the current market and an outlook for the future. Each post is illustrated with several charts, many of them unique to SpikeTrade.


US NH-NL posts are published Monday through Thursday (except for market holidays) after 5 pm ET.  These weekday posts provide a review of the day’s action and short-term outlook. Each post includes an update of our New High – New Low charts.

A&K Journal

Alex and Kerry aim to trade stocks they had marked as favorites in SpikeSpeak in their own accounts. When they do, they post their Trade Journals here.

Q&A with A&K

Alex and Kerry answer questions from Members that are important for the entire group.


This section contains announcements and competition reports.

Password classes

[not listed in this menu but you'll be receiving announcements whenever they are scheduled].  In one of the most popular features of SpikeTrade Alex and Kerry take turns delivering private intensive monthly onlineclasses, focusing on key methods and techniques.  Yearly and monthly Members receive free access to classes given during their membership.


In addition to the posts by Alex and Kerry, SpikeTrade offers several other educational resources to Members.

Video Vault 

Our Video Vault has dozens of brief practical videos, organized into 15 channels. They range from Beginners’ Toolkit to Daytrading, from Market Analysis to Psychology, and a great deal more.

Please note: Password classes go into the Video Vault for a free viewing for one week after the live class. Afterwards, they get moved to our Traders’ Shop where Members may purchase them at a 50% discount.

Lessons Learned 

A Spiker who loses more than 7% of equity in a single trade must write a report about that trade.  Like Alex and Kerry's posts, there is a Member Comments area at the end of each post, as well as a link that takes you to a complete archive for such reports.


Our Recommended section highlights several resources suggested by Members as well as Alex & Kerry. The list includes trading books, software, and hardware.


Never miss a post or an online meeting! This schedule shows the timing of regularly-scheduled posts and online classes.

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